Sr. | Film / Keyword | Year | Language | [DIRE][M.D.]Name | Action |
This part of website envisages data of past 101 years’ of Indian panorama, Directors, Music Directors etc. We have collected all the data from Wikipedia and IMDb and all the information collected so far is fully dependent on said source. Hence we are grateful to all of them. The data contains, name of Directors, name of Music Directors, name of Movies along with their Languages and their respective Years. The year is being consider as respective Director’s First Movie. We don’t claim that this data is fully authorized, it may vary from original one. For any type of variation in the data provided, we are not responsible as it is not our own creation. It has been collected from the different sources as stated above. If any variation found, we feel very sorry and will be highly obliged if not seriously considered. Old movie lovers may like it. We hope, it may especially useful to Senior Citizens to ascertain details of old movie. All the information gathered from search engine of YouTube. We solely hereby declare that we did not uploaded or will never upload any type of data collected from Wikipedia & YouTube. Also we never provide facility to upload or download by anybody from our website too. In this part of our website, we tried to collect and provide data of Indian panorama of past 99 years i.e. 1912 to 2012. Such data is collected from Wikipedia and are currently available on Wikipedia. Our motto is to give easy accessibility of all required data on one click on our website. We tried to provide key word for YouTube. Further we clarify that this is only compilation of data extracted from different sources as said earlier.